Labels:bulletin board | fence | grass | person | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism OCR: abcdefghijkimnopqr stuvwxuz ABCDEP FGHIJKL MNOPQRSJUU wxyz 01234 456789 $% &0 .[0 /: Jhie quick brown fox jump over boghzeyay The quick brown foxjumps over thelazy dog. 2 The quick 6rown fox jumps over the -bog hzpj 36 The quick 6rown fox jumps over the hzp) -boe The quick 6rown fox jumps over the lazy boe The quick 6rown fox jumps over the lazy boe Jhe quick 6rown fox jumps over the lazy boe rstuvwxyz 0123456789 rthe azydog foxj